Purpose : The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of positive nursing organizational culture, satisfaction with organizational culture, and types of nursing organizational culture on tertiary hospital nurses’ intention to stay. Methods : This study conducted a survey from June 21 to August 26, 2021, among tertiary hospital nurses with at least one year of clinical experience currently working at a general hospital in Seoul The collected data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 27.0. The differences in intention to stay, were analyzed using the independent t-test and one-way ANOVA Also the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine correlations among intention to stay, positive nursing organizational culture, satisfaction with organizational communication, and types of nursing organizational culture. Additionally, multiple regression analysis was performed to identify the significant factors affecting tertiary hospital nurses’ intention to stay. Results : Analysis results indicated that positive nursing organizational culture (β=0.38, t=2.07, p=.039) and satisfaction with organizational communication (β= 0.83, t=4.79, p=<.001) are significant factors associated with intention to stay among tertiary hospital nurses, and the variables accounted for 27% of intention to stay (F=11.07, p<.001). Conclusion : In this study, positive nursing organizational culture and satisfaction with organizational communication were identified as the main factors influencing tertiary hospital nurses’ intention to stay. These study results suggest that organizational-level efforts are required to create positive nursing organizational culture and improve satisfaction with organizational communication in order to increase tertiary hospital nurses’ intention to stay.