Purpose : This study is a concept analysis aimed at investigating the attributes of shift work tolerance among nurses. Methods : To clarify the scope of the concept of shift work tolerance, a literature search was conducted using the keywords ‘shift work’ and ‘tolerance.’ Of the 1,187 studies retrieved, 18 were selected for concept analysis. Results : The results of this study showed that the attributes of shift work tolerance among nurses included ‘recognizing negative symptoms associated with shift work,’ ‘attempting to reduce negative symptoms,’ and ‘enduring negative symptoms.’ The antecedents of shift work tolerance in nurses included shift work, shift work conditions, and the resulting negative physical and psychological symptoms. The consequences of high shift work tolerance included reduced negative physical and psychological symptoms, decreased job stress, increased job satisfaction, and improved work-life balance, ultimately leading to an enhanced quality of life. Conclusion : The findings can help researchers and nurses gain a better understanding of shift work tolerance, and nursing administrators can consider the factors related to shift work tolerance and its consequences to improve nurses’ working environment.